Current Mining Proposals in Arizona
Who said this?
"The conditions of the forests and the wasteful manner in which their destruction is taking place give cause for serious apprehension." (answer)
Two pending mining projects in the Tucson's Santa Ritas:
1) Augusta Resource — Rosemont project
Keep informed of proposed Rosemont mine that will use our national forest for waste dumps, tailing impoundments and sulfuric acid leaching pads—where will the dust-producing crushers be located?
Who is Augusta Resource?
For comprehensive information with videos:
Hilton Ranch Community: Neighbors of Rosemont's proposed mine
Coronado Website page for Rosemont mine
Scoping Comments Currently Available to the Public
Take a photo tour
Breaking News!!
Governor Napolitano supports protection of Federal lands in Pima and Santa Cruz counties
—Letter to Rep. Giffords, Dist 30
—Letter to Rep. Grijalva, Natural Resource Subcommitee Chair
—Text of HR 4228—
Rep. Giffords comments at FS hearing on Rosemont Mine at Elgin
The Coronado National Forest was created for urban recreation—
states the Forest Service website:
After the turn of the century [1900], attention turned to southeastern Arizona's Sky Islands for yet another resource, recreation. As early as the mid-1800's, areas such as Hospital Flat in the Pinaleño Mountains and the town of Oracle in the foothills of the Santa Catalinas were being used as refuges from the heat and malaria of lowland forts. At about the same time that 15 upland areas were designated U. S. Forest Reserves (between 1902 and 1907), residents of burgeoning desert communities began trekking to the mountains to escape the summer heat. Areas such as White House (Madera) Canyon in the Santa Ritas, Columbine in the Pinaleños, and Summerhaven in the Santa Catalinas were among the most popular of these forest retreats.
[Note: In 1902, the Santa Rita section was the first forest reserve to be created in this region.)
Get informed
GAL report on Rosemont
Hard Facts by a geologist
Toxic Waste
Impoundments by a mining engineer
Citizens Guide to the NEPA process
Who is Augusta Resource?
(aka Rosemont Mining Company, Santa Rita Properties, Karnarco)
Coronado Forest outlines terms of agreement (Memorandum of Understanding) with Rosemont
—NEXT: What is the FS agreement with the public?
Local Newspaper Reports
Tucson Star
ASARCO will get a piece of the action by Gabriela Rico of the AZ Star
Will this stop the project or open the pathway to opening it?
Rosemont report omits important information
Rosemont: Jobs or Nature
Tucson Citizen
Mine opposed; much of copper for Asia
Stunt pulled by mining company shameless
Tucson Weekly
BACKROADS BOONDOGGLE: Would the proposed Rosemont Mine actually be an economic loser
Nogales International
Question: Is Rosemont a 'prudent' investment?
Comments on Rosemont Mine
by Pima County Officials
including Chuck Huckleberry and
Julia Fonseca
Problems: Destruction of Coronado National Forest including habitat, recreation & water
Map of Footprint in Santa Ritas
Sign a petition in opposition to mining in Santa Ritas
Final Plan of Operations?
2007 Rosemont Plan of Operations
Download .pdf file
Augusta WebPage with links
Information on Water
Rosemont claims surface water meant for plants and wildlife in a national forest region!!
Questa Spring
Barrel Canyon
McCleary Canyon
Wasp Canyon
Rosemont Spring
Two unnamed springs
Rosemont outlines how they can take all the groundwater they want in an arid region
Map of water source
Patience—it's a long download
Lists of wells Rosemont has claimed
Records of wells in region
Water Impact Report
includes Federal Statutes for Groundwater Management
Augusta Recharges CAP water in Avra Valley
Groundwater Awareness League's comments to Corporation Commsion on the Augsta Recharge project: 12/07
Report on use of low-quality CAP water in various scenarios
Report on CAP history and quality issues
General Information
Map of Rosemont Site
from SkyTruth
This is what Rosemont could be!
by Pima County (includes Priority Vulnerable Species known to occur in the Rosemont Ranch area
on Hearings and Permits
A big THANKS to Ray Carroll and Pima County Board of Supervisors for passing a strong resolution against mining in the Santa Ritas
Portland Cement —
Information for protection of Fagan-Empire Valley from mining operations
Latest News: Public Notice for 404 Permit for Davidson Canyon
Comment Period: August 6, 2009 - September 5, 2009
Empire Fagan Coalition
Highway 83 Community
Pima County
Flood Control Permit
Reports to Pima County Board of Supervisors, Dec. 16, 2008
Superior —
Sign a petition to support the Tribal Coalition objecting to a Land Exchange
Report sent to all AZ Congress persons July 24, 2007
The East Valley Tribune documents the reality of the Resolution Copper project
"Reluctant Boomtown"
from High Country News
Map of proposed mining site
Problems: Destruction of Tonto National Forest, Apache sacred site, rock climbing area & water depletion*
San Carlos Apaches defy mines that threaten sacred lands from The Arizona Republic
Six Tribes petition President Bush to withdraw Oak Flats and Apache Leap from mining
Report by David Chambers of Center for Science in public participation on Block Cave Mining
Power Point by George Lopez on Impacts at Superior
Volume of Tailings to dispose of WHERE?
Patagonia —
Destruction of prime birding area & water depletion*
Action Information and Updates!
Payson —
Problems: Destruction of Tonto National Forest, habitat & critical water supply*
*Note: These areas already have water depletion challenges.